making and growing sustainably + working by hand with attention and care


This is the first year of so : then farm & garden. It's all about nutritious, sustainably and organically grown food with a focus on healthy soil, nurturing biodiversity and regenerative care for the environment. so : then strives to be part of building strong food networks that supports local food security and vibrancy, done with a commitment to deepening our respect and relationship to the land.

eat locally + know and trust your farmer + connect to the natural world

I have always felt that growing food was the thing; the thing for me that made so much sense to do. And spending time outside, connecting to the natural world, getting your hands in soil, growing organically, observing, learning, the hard work, the beauty of the garden – this has always seemed like a good way to live.

I learned about growing food working on organic farms. I first worked on an organic farm in the Bruce Peninsula in my late teens. Then I worked on lots of farms in British Columbia WWOOFing (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) and interned on a farm near Perth, Ontario in my twenties. In my thirties, I ran and owned an organic farm with my partner in Eastern Ontario selling at market and in CSA boxes.

With young children, we moved to Kingston and then to Toronto. I have stayed connected to small-scale farming by growing vegetables, herbs and flowers in front yard food gardens, and in the backyard, expanding to include the alleyway and garage roof, always looking for more space.

This year I am fortunate to have found land to lease where market gardening can be my focus. I am thrilled to be establishing a 2/3 of an acre market garden just north of the city.


the element of the handmade + with attention and care for the environment

We respectfully acknowledge the land we are working on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge this land is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

so : then is about making things to feel good about: clothing and artwork each with an element of the handmade – handsewn, handprinted, hand-drawn – created with care, and attention to sustainability.