so : then is an acre small farm located just north-west of Toronto near Erin, organically growing nutrient-dense vegetables and herbs. Flowers are important on the farm as companion and pollinator plants, as well as for bouquets. Emphasis will be made on growing heirloom varieties for seed saving, safeguarding biodiversity and for their hardiness and pest-resistance. After an initial first till, so : then farm will be no-till, and worked with hand tools. Cover crops, composting and vermiculture are also essential parts of so : then. The farming practices focus on increasing organic matter and care for soil life.

so : then farm & garden is about:

Organically-grown, high quality, nutrient-dense vegetables and herbs

Strong composting practices to increase organic matter and soil life / Setting up vermiculture for additional worm castings

Building a healthy, biodiverse farm ecosystem

Flowers as companion and pollinator plants as well as being offered for sale as cut flower bouquets

Chemical-free / Sustainably grown / Freshly harvested

No spray or synthetic fertilizers / No GMOs

Emphasis on heirloom varieties for tasty, beautiful, interesting and perhaps unusual produce and seed-saving

Simplicity and by hand: wheel barrows, stirrup hoes, broadfork

Produce, herbs and flowers are being sold at Humber Bay Shores Farmers’ Market every Saturday, as well as Underpass Farmers’ Market every other Thursday and on occasional Mondays at Sorauren Farmers’ Market.